A proven method to establish a sustainable writing habit.
WAGs (Writing Accountability Groups) are a habit-building method originally developed for busy faculty members in academic medicine. WAGs aims to make scholarly writing automatic, mechanical and as routine as tying your shoes!
Learn how it works.
Get the book today and learn how to get your WAG on!
WAGs Video Series & Resources
Get all the resources you'll need to start a WAGS! Join Dr. Skarupski for a series of videos that outlines the steps it takes to launch a WAG at your institution. Learn more.
Award Winning Innovation
Dr. Skarupski was awarded the Johns Hopkins Medicine, Institute for Excellence in Education, 2019 Educational Innovation Award for WAGs!

Did you know? In a June 2022 article, the Washington Post highlighted WAGs within a report on “Body Doubling” for ADHD. Read the article here.
"We are still wagging in Buffalo! Thanks to the WAG, our NRSA T32 fellows 'hit the ball out of the park' for the past 5 years with publications and grants."
Linda S. Kahn, PhD
Professor, Associate Vice Chair for Research
Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
University at Buffalo
"What has worked best for me is to write every day, even if only briefly, and to remind myself that everything I do towards completing a manuscript counts, whether it’s re-checking analyses or formatting a table. That way I feel like I make some progress daily. Thank you so much for bringing WAGs to (Johns Hopkins)!"
Brian Buta, MHS
Program Manager
Johns Hopkins Center on Aging and Health
“After my first WAG I noticed that although I do a lot of writing, my manuscripts are always last priority. Other writing projects have deadlines, (e.g. grants, IRB protocols) but papers can always wait. I decided that my goal for the group would be to spend 30 minutes writing on my manuscript each day, no matter what other types of writing I did that day. If everything goes well I could have a total of 11 publications this year.”
Michelle Eakin, MA, PhD
Associate Professor of Medicine, Johns Hopkins Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
Learn about the Faculty Factory
The Faculty Factory is sponsored by the The Faculty Factory is sponsored by the University of Texas Medical Branch, Office of Faculty Affairs, and the Faculty Factory Podcast is hosted by Kimberly A. Skarupski, PhD, MPH. Learn more.